The Philippines is an archipelago of over 7000 islands and is situated in between Asia and Australia. The cluster if islands boast of mountains, volcanics plateaus, jungles, a amazing coastline, and fascinating marine life.
The Philippines is also a bustling economic center and has many big industrial and commercial cities. Manila is a vibrant city and as with any of the larger cities faces heavy traffic issues. But the city is a delight to visit.
What is surprising for most first time visitors is also the golf that is available in the Philippines especially around the Manila & Angeles City area. There are a number of world class golf courses designed by some of the best names in the field. Some of the more top end golf courses are exclusive and entry is limited to members. But there are a range of absolutely fantastic golf courses in the Philippines to make it a perfect golf destination. You should definitely plan at least a week long golf holiday to the Philippines with a few rounds of golf and extend your trip to nearby islands to relax and rejuvenate and indulge in the myriad of activities that the island offers.
Read up information on this page and all associated links for more on Manila as a golf destination. The content will serve as your Golf Travel Guide to Manila and make for easy trip planning.
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GETTING THERE: Most international airlines fly into Manila Airport – Ninoy Aquino International Airport. It is the best connected airport in the Philippines. Since the Philippines consists of a bunch of Islands spread out, travelling to other islands can be done via taking smaller domestic flights.
CURRENCY: Philippine Peso (PHP) | Avg Currency Value: 1 USD = 46.3 (Currency Converter)